Just how much white stuff can come out of the sky i ask myself!!, my kids have been off school since wednesday and they are going more then alittle stir crazy, not to mention a 3 year old that is soo upset as she was meant to start nursery at school on thursday and could'nt because of the snow!
Lets hope it goes away soon!.
As the kids have been driving me stir crazy i have kinda lost my mojo :(, although i do have some new items in my shops my latest being my knitted rings! ( i will prove my point that you can knit anything!), here they are 
.... The beaded flower one is in my folksy shop and the the button flower one is in my MISI shop, they keep your finger nice and warm!.
As its been soo cold outside, i have been browsing the shops on Folksy and Misi ( which i think you should do too!) and extending my faves list and i thought i would show you a couple of my all time faves.
This is Jazz and how cute is she!!!??
she is made by a very talented lady and you can find her shop here http://folksy.com/shops/pussygalore

My next fave to show you is this one, i have bought this one as a thankyou gift for my mum and had to tell her not to eat them, which my mum was really grateful for as she said they really do look good enough to eat, Handmade Fizzing O
rganic Chocolate Truffles Bath Melts, the very talented ladys name is thepinkfairycake and you can find her shop here https://www.misi.co.uk/handmade/thepinkfairycake.html, maybe you should check out thier shops (and mine!!) after all whats better then shopping from the warmth and comfort of your own home in weather like this?.